As of Now

  In this series, I have taken multiple depictions of trauma from mass media and given them each their own personal account on Instagram. I then upload and re-download the images thousands of times. Each cycle signifying a day that had passed since the image was captured.

  By doing so, I inflicted suffering upon the digital documents, as it was slowly stripped of its data. In this new context, these images are allowed the physical property of decomposition which the viewer can witness in the account feed, demonstrating the ways in which the image suffers its very own trauma, as it is corrupted and broken down. This process makes clear their very physical properties as the decomposition becomes more exaggerated and pronounced.


Alan Kurdi As of Now, Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Backlit Display, Dimensions Variable, 2022.


Eric Garner As of Now, Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Backlit Display, Dimensions Variable, 2022.


Untitled As of Now, Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Backlit Display, Dimensions Variable, 2022.


Eric Garner As of Now, Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Backlit Display, Dimensions Variable, 2019.


Untitled As of Now (Detail View), Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Backlit Display, Dimensions Variable, 2022.


Eric Garner As of Now (Detail View), Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Backlit Display, Dimensions Variable, 2019.


Falling Man As of Now, Social Media Account, Digital Appropriation, Dimensions Variable, 2022.